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Oriana Falcone

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The Pilates method was originated and invented by Joseph Pilates dating back to 1926 New York. Today, the Stott Pilates brand is highly regarded in the Pilates industry. It was developed in 1987 by Canadians Lindsay and Moira Merrithew who teamed with other professionals such as those in sports medicine, physiotherapists, and fitness coaches. It is a contemporary methodology based on 5 bio-mechanical principles: Head and Cervical Placement, Pelvic Placement, RibCage Placement, Scapular Movement and Stabilization, and Breathing. Together with motion control, alignment and correct form, these principles are encouraged with each exercise. Classes focus on integrating all parts of the body while working to restore muscle, joint strength and the natural curves of the spine. Stott Pilates coach, Oriana, has worked as a fitness coach in West London for the past 20 years and has a background in dance and Latin ballroom. Her interest in health and fitness began at the early age of 13 when she fell in love with dance. Living an inactive lifestyle at the time resulted in her becoming an overweight teenager. It was that love of dance that helped her to become more cognisant of her health, and fast turning it around. Initially qualifying as an ETM instructor with Exercise and Fitness Knowledge in the early 2000s, she continued adding more strings to her bow by accomplishing certifications in Spinning, Combat, Cardio Kick L1 & L2, Exercise resistance, and Aqua Fit. After teaching the above classes for nearly a decade, she further extended her professional repertoire with specialist training in Stott Pilates Mat, Injuries and Special Populations, Exercise for Older Adults, and most recently movement with Essential fascia focus. In 2012, Oriana became the proud owner of Falconé Pilates where she has since teamed with and taught many clients both privately and in a group setting since. After years of having the privilege of watching customers turn their physical goals into a reality through the discipline of Pilates, today, she continues to regard her work with great assiduity and enthusiasm. Oriana’s training in Special Populations has allowed her to work with people who come post-rehab with differing ailments from back pain, joint disorders, hip/ knee replacements, to women who simple wish to work on maintaining their physical strength, to renew their vitality, and manage stress throughout the commonly difficult and transitional years that many women typically experience. Oriana teaches with a mindful approach, understanding that results best come about when the mind and body collaborate as one.


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Contact Us

Natural Fitness & Therapies
The Redoubt
Royal Parade
BN22 7AQ

Opening Hours:
Reception open: 9.00am until 1.00pm Monday to Friday

From 9.00am until 4.00pm everyday, please go to the adjoining Café where you can speak to a colleague, view our timetable or collect literature on our Classes, Teachers & Therapists.

Classes, Therapies and Workshops run throughout the day everyday of the week.