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Kinesiology at Natural Fitness & Therapies

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KINESIOLOGY – can change your life

Kinesiology is the system of healing used to correct and balance our mental, emotional and physical needs as one integral system.

Enjoy improved health.

You do not have to be a health nut, a food freak, or an exercise buff to take control of your life and to enjoy improved health and well-being.

We all have our own individual story regarding our genetic inheritance and our conditioning (nature versus nurture) and so in this way we are all spectacularly unique with all our obvious imperfections. In this way we all require an individual yet holistic approach to help us achieve and maintain optimal health.


  • Tensed and Aching muscles. Back and neck pain, sciatica, headaches, migraine, postural abnormalities, acute onset and sports injury, stress related disorders.
  • Stomach conditions, Candida, IBS, ME, Low energy, Insomnia
  • Fears, Anxiety, Phobias and Panic attacks. Lack of confidence, Depression

In addition, many other functional and systemic disorders from which people increasingly suffer in modern day society

  • Fertility, PMT, Menopause.
  • Food intolerances, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, sleep pattern disorders and behavioural problems in infancy and childhood, chakra & aura balance

To locate any energy imbalance, the principle of muscle monitoring is applied. Through muscle monitoring or muscle testing I can get feedback about the energy systems in the body. This is possible because some of the muscles are related to a specific organ system as they share a lymph vessel or an acupuncture meridian. When the muscle tonality has been improved by restoring the energy flow of these systems, this also gives relief to the organ which is sharing that system. This treatment is for the whole person and not just for the organ as such or the disease.

When we are balanced emotionally and physically, we feel lighter, freer and more relaxed with more energy to do the things we want to do instead of our energy being used up on feeling pain, stress and generally feeling unwell.

What to expect in your kinesiology session –

When a client comes for a kinesiology session, the client can remain fully clothed and I usually I use their arm muscle for test. By measuring the resistance against a gentle pressure that I apply, I am able to gain feedback of their imbalances, emotional, mental, physical, structural, chemical and nutritional  and also feedback on what I need to do to rebalance the system.

I may have to stimulate neuro-lymphatic and neuro-vascular holding points, acupuncture and stress relief points, and may also use crystals and colour to balance blocked meridians and to test for food sensitivities and deficiencies.

During the session I will explain what I am doing and what issues I have detected and what I am doing to rebalance them.

Sometimes the benefit you feel from a kinesiology session will be immediate, other times you may feel the improvement over the days that follow.

One hour is usually long enough for a Kinesiology therapy session unless you would like another therapy with it. Quantum healing, Reiki, Reflexology or Massage are all complementary to Kinesiology and I will recommend one of these if this is indicated as beneficial when I am receiving bio-feedback from the muscle testing.

I trained in Kinesiology as it had heled me in the past and I felt it was a missing diagnostic link in my therapies which gave a clearer path to helping others further.

KINESIOLOGY: 60 minutes: £55 - 90 minutes £82


“Since my son has been having kinesiology treatments with Linda, I can honestly say that she has had a profound effect on his wellbeing and quite frankly has been life changing. My son’s anxiety was that severe that it prevented regular school attendance and in short was debilitating. She has single handedly transformed him into a content and confident boy who is now thriving academically. Linda is totally empathetic, professional and compassionate and totally puts you at ease the minute you walk in. Her help has been invaluable, and I would truly recommend her.”

– Joanna Eastbourne.
“I've been coming down to Eastbourne for many years to visit her, sometimes with my husband and daughter, all having a session. We come quite a distance because we have no one near us who is such a good all round practitioner. She is such an asset to you, and she can do so many different healing modalities that she can give you a therapy for whatever problem you have. After a visit I leave feeling balanced and whole again. She has helped me through physical problems, allergies, anxiety, stress, pulled muscles, aches & pains, joint problems, foot troubles, and so much more She has helped me SO much, quite frankly, I don't know what i would do without her!”

Jane - Surrey
“I’ve been going to Linda for Kinesiology and massage for 7 years; I don’t know what I would do without her and that uplifting and relaxing 1hour session. Linda has helped me overcome not only physical imbalances in my body, but challenges in life too both spiritually and mentally. After all this time I don’t need Linda to tell me when I need Kinesiology, my body is a tuned to knowing when it needs it. Linda and Kinesiology has helped me overcome grief and anxiety and given me the strength I need both physically and mentally to overcome some of the biggest struggles in my life. The last 7 years have been a challenging journey but thanks to Linda’s guidance I’m now on the right path.”

Jen- Lewes East Sussex.
“I have been attending appointments with Linda for many years. I have always gained huge benefit from her sessions and always feel more physically, mentally and emotionally balanced afterwards. Linda is an excellent, instinctive healer who balances the body’s systems, chakras and meridians through her Kinesiology. She is also trained in Quantum Healing, which I find works very well in combination with her Kinesiology as it accesses different levels of healing. I would recommend Linda’s sessions to everyone.”

Chris - Eastbourne
"Seeing Linda for a Kinesiology, Reflexology or a relaxing massage is always a treat. Linda has an incredible healing ability that helps soothe not just your body, but your mind and spirit too. Linda especially helped me through my pregnancy which was challenging due to severe sickness. With the use of Kinesiology, she helped balance my system which alleviated the problem allowing me to enjoy my pregnancy. Regular reflexology and massage help release tension built up from working, stress and just everyday life. For anyone wanting to feel more balance in their lives or suffering from a health issue, I always recommend booking an appointment with Linda.”


Your Practitioner

Linda Veness

Natural Fitness and Therapies – The Beach Studio is much more than just a fitness Centre to come and exercise at; it’s a welcoming space for local people who want to make new friendships and access expert advice on health and wellbeing. It’s is also an environment that...

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Contact Us

Natural Fitness & Therapies
The Redoubt
Royal Parade
BN22 7AQ

Opening Hours:
Reception open: 9.00am until 1.00pm Monday to Friday

From 9.00am until 4.00pm everyday, please go to the adjoining Café where you can speak to a colleague, view our timetable or collect literature on our Classes, Teachers & Therapists.

Classes, Therapies and Workshops run throughout the day everyday of the week.