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Nadira Seeram

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Nadira Seeram is the author of 'It is Beyond Me; A Healing Journey from Displacement to Awakened Belonging'

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Healing 4 Humanity brings you AYURVEDA; Life’s Inner Wisdom

Healing 4 Humanity was founded by Nadira Seeram who has practiced since 2007 as a psycho-spiritual therapist, healer, teacher, and trainer dedicated to opening the personal and collective energy healing channels of peace and freedom. Working only from direct personal experience, she shares the way to overcome the source of stress and conflict; identity entrapment, division and duality, to find in its place the indivisible connection to creation itself and self as creation. She was trained by an avatar in India, Sri Kaleshwar, who taught the mechanisms of healing fear and suffering, based on deep inner work, meditation and ancient spiritual practices.

Having found from experience that many spiritual seekers tend to overlook their physical health, and many health seekers overlook their spirituality, Nadira now incorporates the practice of Ayurveda in her work, offering truly holistic lifestyle practices.Ayurveda is an ancient Indian, thoudands of years old natural healing system, based on the knowledge that food, thought, and life itself, is medicine. Specifically formulated herbs are prescribed to bring cleansing and a more natural and balanced rhythm to your life.

You can also learn meditation and breathing practices to recover and maintain stability, creativity, and the flow of ease in your life. Unlike the physical body, there is no limit to how far you can go in your spiritual practice.

If you are you looking to heal, strengthen, or reclaim your heart, body, mind, or soul, a Santosha (Sanskrit for contentment or satisfaction) consultation could set you on a path of recovery and rejuvenation. Single sessions (£90) are available however, a minimum course of treatment is generally 6 weeks and regular follow-ups are recommended. You can book multiple sessions in advance at a reduced cost of up to 20%. Herbal costs are included in your consultation fee.

More about Ayurveda:

Ayurveda describes the flow and stability of the 5 elements operating through 3 vital expressions of human life; vata (space and air), pitta (fire and water), kapha (water and earth). These 3 expressions are our doshas, determining inherent imbalances, likelihood for imbalances, and correction of imbalances.

These doshas reflect what is held in our minds and determine our physical state, and can result in food and emotional intolerances, physical and mental stagnation, mental and physical over exertion, poor circulation and disrupted relationships, addictive behaviours of all kinds, physical pain and discomfort with life, stress and strain, poor sleep and depression, anxiety and pressure of expectations.

Your consultation will bring attention to and counsel you on your energetic states by looking at

  • awareness and attitudes
  • thoughts and emotions
  • habits and activities
  • relaxation and motivation
  • food and digestion (appetite and elimination are key factors)

You will be prescribed and supplied with herbal remedies, diet and lifestyle advice, and practices of consciousness.The most important factor of healing is your openness and willingness to observe yourself and to incorporate change, step-by-step.I am happy to be by your side on your healing and awakening journey.

Nadira Seeram is the author of 'It is Beyond Me; A Healing Journey from Displacement to Awakened Belonging'

(Diploma in Ayurveda Lifestyle and Nutrition from the Ayurveda Institute UK and member of AAPUK).


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Contact Us

Natural Fitness & Therapies
The Redoubt
Royal Parade
BN22 7AQ

Opening Hours:
Reception open: 9.00am until 1.00pm Monday to Friday

From 9.00am until 4.00pm everyday, please go to the adjoining Café where you can speak to a colleague, view our timetable or collect literature on our Classes, Teachers & Therapists.

Classes, Therapies and Workshops run throughout the day everyday of the week.